Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just you, my sis!

Image result for life

The love which I showed you,
Cannot be measured even
With the size of the universe,
Where we people live
Never has it gone away-
The thoughts we shared.
It lasts in my mind and heart,
Whatever may be the situation?
It’s a twilight background
When we are too lippy;
You and I have N-number of codes
To talk, write and type.
My life with you is-
A sparking spectrum.
I am excited about
When I see you again;
The moments we spend together
Is like a sun on the horizon
Which is so splendid
And gives beauty to our lives.
You and I are just born
When we know each other,
I live with you in my heart
And it lasts forever;
We sometimes are night-owls
When we start talking.
Never has it panged me
As I have never left you alone
And yet there are lots to say
About the relationship we experienced
The best of ever got
Is just you, my SIS!



  1. Hey charm,
    you have delivered your feel for a brotherhood (sissy i mean) flamboyantly.And you can always remember me as your subscriber for all your posts.The fantasy of this reader-writer society is that there are comparatively more florid writers than serene readers.So you have also joined me in making people assimilated by our alluring thoughts.Say Hi-fi...dear

    1. thank you so much ma!! your comments will surely encourage me in my way to destiny!!

  2. Wow! Amma n ammu ve developed such an intimacy. I envy u both. Keep it up.
